Mod 2 Repeater Hub

Welcome! Please read this entire page completely. Reach out to your instructors if you have any questions!

Repeating Guidelines

General information about repeating can be found here

Slack Channels

Make sure you are part of the following channels:

  • #mod_2_fe_repeaters: The main channel for mod2 repeaters. Instructors will post announcements here so it’s important to check this channel daily.
  • #the_repeaters: A community of Turing students and alumni who have repeated or are currently repeating a module.
  • Join your new cohort channel: Introduce yourself! Ask if they have any other channels you should join.

Gear Ups and Professional Development

PD expectations for repeating Mod 2:
You will be added to a new Homeroom group and are expected to attend Homeroom discussions and Mix It Up on Wednesdays. You are not required to attend the other PD sessions.
Repeating the module is a great opportunity not only to solidify your technical skills but also your professional development skills. This plan goes over some suggested ways to approach that. @allison_reu_singer is always available for support and coaching at the link in her Slack bio. You can reach out to her with any questions you have.

Gear Up expectations for repeating mod 2:
You are expected to attend all Gear Up sessions, except for Week 1 which is optional for repeaters.

Tips For Intermission To Prepare for Mod 2-Round 2

  • It is not required that you re-do the Mod 2 prework. However, if there is something in the prework that you think would be valuable to review, go for it!
  • As you commit to daily iterator practice, realize that the focus should be 90% problem solving and 10% iterators.
    You need to be familiar with the iterator/mutator methods. However, the main skill you need to develop in Mod 2 is the ability to digest and break down complex problems into small steps/pieces so that you can solve them. This means you must nail down an effective problem solving process that you can apply to any problem placed in front of you.
  • Review some of the difficult lessons and make a list of questions to ask during that lesson the following inning. Work through exercises in the lessons to help you better understand those concepts.
  • Make a list of all the iterator and mutator methods, and go over each one’s use cases and syntax every night. Writing them out on paper or flashcards is more valuable than typing them out. They will stick in your brain better.
    Pay attention to what each method returns. Pay attention to which are mutators.
  • Write out your problem solving process in detail. Post in your channel to classmates what their process is. Learn from each other. Submit that written out process to your instructors via DM before the start of the next inning.
    • Hint Don’t just write psuedocoding in your process. Think about and elaborate on what psuedocoding should look like. You should be using psuedocode throughout the problem solving process to break the problem down into small, approachable steps/pieces, not just at the beginning when you are digesting the big-picture ask.


Q: Should I delete my jsFun and start over?
A: Yes! You should delete your old repo and then clone down a new one and start over. It’s important that you approach these problems with a clean slate. Plus, we may have updated the repo since last inning.

Q: Should I complete jsFun over and over?
A: No! You should only complete each test once this inning. We recommend starting on jsFunner first. If you finish that, you can go back to a fresh copy of jsFun and begin anew. We find that when students complete the same test suite more than 2 times, memorization and pattern matching kick in (which is not what we want!). These test suites should be improving your problem solving skills. If you feel yourself being able to write code without reading the full test, it’s probably time for a new test suite.

Q: Should I reference my old projects when working on projects this inning?
A: This is not a good idea. Remember, the projects are about learning, not completion. We’d rather you productively struggle through the logic on a project than just look back at how you did it last time and copy the answer. Also, this approach isn’t fair to your project partner(s) who is seeing this stuff for the first time. We know it’s tempting, but remember it’s about process over product.

Q: Should I get a head start on projects?
A: You should not be working on projects before they are officially kicked off. There is plenty for you to work on if you finish a project early (hint: the Extra Practice section!). Projects are meant to be completed in the time allotted. Also, instructors make changes to project specs leading up to the kickoff. Finally, one goal of group/paired projects is collaborative learning and communication and that is sacrificed when students work ahead on these projects.

Lesson Search Results

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