Flash Cards

Goals and Objectives

  • Contribute code to an partially constructed object-oriented application
  • Follow spec/prompts to make a working application
  • Implement ES6 classes
  • Write modular, reusable code that follows SRP (Single Responsibility Principle)
  • Implement a robust testing suite using TDD

In this project, you will write a program to simulate a set of flash cards through the command line! đŸ˜± A user will be able to see the questions, take guesses, and see a final score at the end of the round.

In order to build good habits, we’ve broken the project up into small classes to demonstrate objects that have a single responsibility.

Through each iteration, you should use TDD to drive implementation of your code.


Initial Setup

For this project, you need to use this Flashcards Starter repo. Follow the instructions in the README for forking the repo and getting it setup. Once you have it set up (through running npm install), follow the instructions to verify it is setup correctly.

Tip: You should rename your repo from “flashcards-starter” to “flashcards” (or whatever you’d like) when you clone it.
git clone git@github.com:turingschool-examples/flashcards-starter.git flashcards

Please note that there is logic provided to you (util.js) to make this game playable via the command line. You will not need to edit the util.js file. Completion of Iterations I and II are required before you are able to utilize the command line interface to verify that your code is functioning properly. Prior to this, you should be using your tests to confirm functionality is working as you expect.

Day One Deliverable

  • By end of day on kick off day: Submit your GH Repo here


Your README should include the following, in this order:

  • Abstract at the top (A sentence or two describing the project)
  • A GIF of the working application
  • Technologies used
  • Install/Setup instructions


You should be using the prompts below to develop tests that will drive your implementation of code. Each JavaScript file in your project should have its own test file. (e.g. Your Turn.js class file should have a corresponding testing file called Turn-test.js)

You are expected to research and implement beforeEach in your test files.

Your testing suite should test all of the functionality of the game, including the following:

  • Class properties
  • Class methods

Remember to test all possible outcomes (happy/sad/etc). Ask yourself:

  • What is the value of each property?
  • Does the method return anything?
  • Does the method update any properties?
  • Are there different possible outcomes to test for based on different arguments being passed in?


Iteration 1:


  • A Card represents a single flashcard
  • Each card has an id, a question, possible answers, and a correct answer

For Example

const card = new Card(1, 'What is Robbie\'s favorite animal', ['sea otter', 'pug', 'capybara'], 'sea otter');


  • Your Turn class should meet the following requirements:
    • Instantiated with two arguments - a string (that represents a user’s guess to the question), and a Card object for the current card in play.
    • returnGuess: method that returns the guess
    • returnCard: method that returns the Card
    • evaluateGuess: method that returns a boolean indicating if the user’s guess matches the correct answer on the card
    • giveFeedback - method that returns either ‘incorrect!’ or ‘correct!’ based on whether the guess is correct or not.

For Example

const card = new Card(1, 'What is Robbie\'s favorite animal', ['sea otter', 'pug', 'capybara'], 'sea otter');
const turn = new Turn('pug', card);

turn.returnGuess();    // => 'pug'

turn.returnCard();     // => { id: 1,
                       //      question: 'What is Robbie\'s favorite animal',
                       //      answers: ['sea otter', 'pug', 'capybara'],
                       //      correctAnswer: 'sea otter'
                       //    }

turn.evaluateGuess();  // => false

turn.giveFeedback();   // => incorrect!

Iteration 2:


Your Deck class should be initialized with an array of Card objects and should have an accompanying test file. It should know how many Cards are in the Deck.

For Example

const card1 = new Card(1, 'What is Robbie\'s favorite animal', ['sea otter', 'pug', 'capybara'], 'sea otter');
const card2 = new Card(14, 'What organ is Khalid missing?', ['spleen', 'appendix', 'gallbladder'], 'gallbladder');
const card3 = new Card(12, 'What is Travis\'s middle name?', ['Lex', 'William', 'Fitzgerald'], 'Fitzgerald');

const deck = new Deck([card1, card2, card3]);

deck.countCards(); // => 3


Your Round class will be the object that takes in responses and records these guesses (as well as if they are correct or incorrect). The currentCard should be the first Card in the Deck (the array of Cards) at the start of the Round

  • Your Round class should meet the following requirements:
    • returnCurrentCard: method that returns the current card being played
    • takeTurn: method that updates turns count, evaluates guesses, gives feedback, and stores ids of incorrect guesses

      • When a guess is made, a new Turn instance is created.
      • The turns count is updated, regardless of whether the guess is correct or incorrect
      • The next card becomes current card
      • Guess is evaluated/recorded. Incorrect guesses will be stored (via the id) in an array of incorrectGuesses
      • Feedback is returned regarding whether the guess is incorrect or correct
    • calculatePercentCorrect: method that calculates and returns the percentage of correct guesses
    • endRound: method that prints the following to the console: ‘** Round over! ** You answered <>% of the questions correctly!’

For Example

const card1 = new Card(1, 'What is Robbie\'s favorite animal', ['sea otter', 'pug', 'capybara'], 'sea otter');
const card2 = new Card(14, 'What organ is Khalid missing?', ['spleen', 'appendix', 'gallbladder'], 'gallbladder');
const card3 = new Card(12, 'What is Travis\'s favorite stress reliever?', ['listening to music', 'watching Netflix', 'playing with bubble wrap'], 'playing with bubble wrap');

const deck = new Deck([card1, card2, card3]);

const round = new Round(deck);

round.deck;   // => [card1, card2, card3];

round.returnCurrentCard(); // => { id: 1,
                           //      question: 'What is Robbie\'s favorite animal',
                           //      answers: ['sea otter', 'pug', 'capybara'],
                           //      correctAnswer: 'sea otter'
                           //    }

round.turns; // => 0

round.incorrectGuesses;     // => []

round.takeTurn('sea otter'); // => 'correct!'

round.takeTurn('spleen');   // => 'incorrect!'

round.turns; // => 2

round.incorrectGuesses;     // => [14]

round.returnCurrentCard();    // => { id: 12,
            	              //      question: 'What is Travis\'s favorite stress reliever?',
            	              //      answers: ['listening to music', 'watching Netflix', 'playing with bubble wrap'],
            	              //      correctAnswer: 'playing with bubble wrap'
            	              //    }

round.calculatePercentCorrect(); // => 50

Iteration 3:

Playing the Game

Now that we have all of our classes and methods set up, we can connect this to the pre-existing code to make the game playable through the CLI (Command-Line-Interface).


As you may have noticed, your Game class has two methods fleshed out already: printMessage and printQuestion. We are going to abandon testing for these methods - as the techniques for this type of testing are beyond the scope of this project.

  • Your Game class should meet these other requirements:
    • Should keep track of the currentRound
    • start: method that starts everything
      • Creates Cards
      • Puts Cards in a Deck
      • Creates a new Round using the Deck
      • invokes printMessage to display the message in the CLI
      • invokes printQuestion to kick off our helper functions that allow interaction via the CLI

      Implementation Note: The helper functions are all fleshed out and fit to work with classes/methods that meet the requirements in the past iterations.

      Testing Tip: You’ll notice it difficult to test game.start. If you invoke it in your test file, it hangs the test suite by starting the game while running the tests. Sometimes as front end developers, we run into pieces of code that aren’t possible, or worth it, to test. In this case, instead of testing game.start, consider trying to extract what you can out of game.start and into a separate function, and test those functions on their own.

  • Your game.start() method should be invoked to make the game playable in the console.
    • Look at the file being run when we want to start the game. Think about where you need to invoke your Game.start method.

For Example

game.currentRound; // => Round {...} (The new Round object that has been instantiated)

Iteration 4:

Choose one or more of these extensions for this iteration.

Note: Solving some of these problems may require modifying pre-existing code that was given to you

Use a project board to guide your workflow Use a tool like GitHub projects or Trello to split up iteration items into small tasks.

Build out another study/flashcards dataset Create a new dataset that is structured similarily to our prototypes dataset. This dataset should be reviewing another fundamental topic and should live in the same data.js file.. Update your application so that once the first Round is over (and thus, the Game is over), a new Round starts with the new dataset that you’ve created.

More practice
Add functionality so that a score of less than 90% will require the user to go through the entire dataset again.

Review incorrect answers
Add functionality so that the Round (and thus, the Game) does not end after you’ve gone through all of the cards. The player should then be prompted to try to guess again, reviewing only those cards that are stored as incorrect.

At the end of the game, report how much time it took to complete the game (in minutes and seconds).

Report Card
At the end of the game, create a report card that would detail any answers that the user got wrong as well as how many tries each question took.

Options for mixed datasets
At the beginning of the game, give options for choosing to study different subjects (have a dataset for one subject and another subject), as well as the option for mixing all of the subjects together.

CYOE (Choose Your Own Extension)
Collaborate with instructors to personalize an extension for this project

Evaluation Rubric

Functional Expectations

  • 4: Application fulfills all expectations of iterations 1 - 4 (at least one extension) with no bugs, crashes, or missing functionality. Game must be playable in the console.
  • 3: Application fulfills expectations of iterations 1 - 3 with no bugs, crashes, or missing functionality. Game must be playable in the console.
  • 2: Application is usable but has some missing functionality.
  • 1: Application crashes during normal usage.

Fundamental JavaScript & Style

  • 4: Application demonstrates excellent knowledge of JavaScript syntax, style, and refactoring.
  • 3: Application shows strong effort towards organization, content, and refactoring. Leverages JavaScript’s truthy/falsey principles to write concise conditional logic. Does not use for loops.
  • 2: Application runs but the code has long methods, unnecessary or poorly named variables, and needs significant refactoring.
  • 1: Application generates syntax error or crashes during execution.

Test-Driven Development

  • 4: Application is broken into components, good use of own data, good happy and sad path testing. Has consistent use of beforeEach to DRY up tests. Tests must be passing to be considered.
  • 3: Application is well tested, but some coverage might be lacking. Smaller data files are used for testing instead of the entire data file. Some use of beforeEach to DRY up tests. Tests must be passing to be considered.
  • 2: Application makes some use of tests, but the coverage is insufficient given project requirements. No use of beforeEach to DRY up tests. Tests must be passing to be considered.
  • 1: Application does not demonstrate strong use of TDD. Tests must be passing to be considered.


  • Must create a brand new repo and start the project fresh
  • Should aim to complete at least one extension in addition to using a project board

Evaluations / Submission

You’ll have the opportunity to review code with your accountabilibuddy after submitting. Instructors will share group feedback.

Project is due at 9PM on Thursday of Week 1.

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